Normally users work with decimal number formats. But sometimes users for some technical, research and educational purpose have to work in different number formats like ASCII, HEX, binary and many more. It is very difficult for user to convert number formats like HEX to ASCII or ASCII to HEX by calculating manually. So, it would prove to be a boon to such users if software is available for such types of tedious conversions. HEXwrite will prove out to be a beneficial software tool for all such users in need of an efficient tool for converting such time consuming conversions. HEXwrite is very useful for converting instantly user’s microprocessor or stimulator keyword input into HEX number format or ASCII number format. HEXwrite provides users with two alternative program conversion modes option to select i.e. “ASCII to HEX” or “HEX to ASCII”. HEXwrite is a very simple, easy-to-use and user friendly software tool. HEXwrite has got some exciting features which makes it an interactive software tool. Some of its features include: allowing keyboard input to be converted by real-time conversion, providing two way conversion modes of HEX and ASCII.